I LET HER GO ... My heart skipped a beat when I decided to give up on an individual I treasured significantly. It's troublesome and more irksome when conditions are unpropitious. I truly loved a youngster that really reached the lower part of my heart. Passing off school, I went into the University College, however her thoughts kept haunting out for. She was 2 years junior from grade 9 and still in school. We started talking. I really visualize my first visit to her place to wish on her fifteenth birthday festivity. Strangely, I could feel her heartbeats. It was the following 14 months wait that I could see her untold sentiments. During our time, we didn't have mobiles so journeying (back and forth) together from the bus station to her school was our routine. That is the lone time we could exchange our sentiments. I genuinely, actually quickly and significantly treasured her. The way where I used to feel about her was way uncommon. I would b...