VOLUNTEER GENUINE SUPPORT ~ with respect & emotion…

VOLUNTEER GENUINE SUPPORT ~ with respect & emotion


Bestow due regard for the feelings or traditions of others. Treat others the way you want to be treated, keep a balanced view of yourself, approach them with love and kindness. Before saying something to someone, show respect by acknowledging the person's presence. It is important to acknowledge all emotions as awareness helps you in your relationships with others. 

Exhibit esteem or honor for someone by truly listening to the person speaking. Listen to what others have to say before expressing your viewpoint, and not speak over or interrupt another person. People with a sense of 'BEING' have a sense of inner peace, self-acceptance and feel grounded and at ease. Worthiness and quality depends on achieving the state of BEING, BELONGING, BELIEVING, and BENEVOLENCE. 

Show your respect by listening to others, affirming others opinions and empathising with different perspectives. In the event of difference in opinions, disagree respectfully.

Avoid disrespectful behavior, compliment the achievements of others. Express gratitude, ask for an apology when you're in the wrong. We all experience pain, disappointment, and loss. The satisfaction of life is to be able to comfort someone in their time of need. Trying to fix the situation makes people feel misunderstood and not cared for and invalidates their emotions. The key part is showing support.

This suggests that respect for & between individuals is structured along distinctive aspects: human & status recognition respect, status recognition respect and evaluation with respect. Many are uncomfortable with pain and sadness and don't have any knowledge of how to respond truly compassionately to other people's suffering. 

Instead of jumping to a solution or a call to action, you can be a much better supporter if you do something like giving a hug or embrace by placing an arm around. Validate  their pain & share their reactions, creating space for the pain and offer your support. People who need comfort know how they are feeling, just help them deal with that feeling. 

Sometimes after you have shown up and your presence can be felt, your natural tendency might be to start talking, but try to resist this. Be calm while just being there, being yourself and staying silent. It's best to let someone have their space and time to feel their pain rather than immediately attempting to solve the issue or move on. People need space to feel their emotions, and it is a vital part of moving forward.

Support becomes more meaningful when you consistently follow up, until the individual adapts to the pain or loss. A phone call or a brief visit can all help “cement” your initial attempt. You'll be seen as kind, generous and can serve to promote psychological healing for the concerned. Avoid getting distracted while being around with individual/s hit by a situation. 

Concluding, in all you do or say, be sure to offer authenticity and your genuine self, believe me, it's surprisingly powerful.

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