SELF-EVALUATION ~ direct energy to improvement…
direct energy to improvement…
Experiences and achievements, itself possess a distinctive value during our lifetime. The end result has a bright and shiny appeal but what we are not prepared for are the twists, turns, and trials that can challenge us along the way. Knowing our strengths and weaknesses can be incredibly useful here.
Being precious, we can also eliminate the would-be challenges with a better idea of our resourcefulness and shortfalls, also helps develop better plans to reach our goals, making it an enjoyable journey as we progress toward our targets and inevitably grow in the path of life.
Embracing opportunities to increase your awareness of your strengths and weaknesses is the best method to identify your strengths and weaknesses. It may involve a mix of methods such as self-evaluation asking for a helping hand from others. Review situations in your life with reference to the goals & improve them than what they are.
Utilizing different skills and knowledge would be a better option you might have to work upon to a certain point in coping up with challenges in your personal or family relationships. Diverting your mind or mastering some other skills or developing your creativity would certainly be of great help. Choose the appropriate & get to the task.
Be determined to bring the desired outcomes and changes to fruition. Ask yourself how challenging it is to apply the skills, knowledge, and understanding. This can be more helpful and near to accuracy. Self-evaluation is an effective measure of discovering your strengths and weaknesses. It’s time to engage some tool designed to help at the level of that negative bias.
It might be best to direct your energy and attention to improve the knowledge and skillset to organize your strengths and weaknesses. Character strengths constitute the best of your personality regardless of culture or nation yet positive thinking, feeling, behaving in the course of action that benefits oneself and others.
However, focusing on strengths increases life satisfaction, self-esteem, motivation, goal achievement and sense of direction. Remember, your strengths are not identified as strengths in comparison with other individuals. You can recognize your awareness to adopt and tackle different situations. There might be times you’re less apt to embrace activities willingly where different effort are required to undertake them.
Recall, your attitude and positive mentality have a mass influence on your capability & need to be cautious when evaluating yourself to review your strengths and weaknesses. Experimenting on yourself, your weaknesses over shadow your strengths & you become your own strongest critic, whereas you might be better than what you really are.
Finding the right analytical methods can help you develop deeper, thorough and more accurate insight into your strengths and weaknesses. It is incredibly rewarding when you start experiencing changes you are aspiring to have the choice of simply seeing how things go. You also might feel challenged, disappointed, embarrassed, or humiliated during the period of self-esteem reinforcement.
Give yourself time to consider, adjust & accept and become familiar to the changes you discover, recognizing where and when they're helpful and appropriate.
"WEAKNESS is the path,
walk valiantly through,
it'll turn into your STRENGTH".
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#introspection #confidence
#characteristics #challenge
#temperament #dynamism
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