ASSERT your WORTHINESS ~ the wholeness of your being…


the wholeness of your being

FAILURES and flaws help you gain the respect and likability from others. Embracing and accepting the imperfections of yourself and others really can lead to increased happiness. People strive for perfection yet no one wants to admit they didn’t achieve their goal or show signs of even the smallest hint of failure. 

YOU live in a world filled with people consumed by themselves but your mistakes make you appear more human, so make mistakes, relax and laugh at yourself. Being human is attractive, noticed and welcomed. Most people are really not in touch with their humanity but being human means you are prone to errors. Accepting your flaws and imperfections is necessary as it makes a difference in the world and even in your own lives. Accepting yourself, you move forward in life, achieve other goals that are more stellar as you offer the world who you really are. 

NO one is perfect. If you can accept your own imperfections, you are less likely to judge and criticise others who display signs of imperfection. The fact that other people are human and they too will make mistakes. The more you accept yourself, the better you are able to accept others. Invest more time paying attention to matters outside of yourself instead of  spending time focusing on your imperfections.

ACCEPT yourself, knowing that you possess a mix of qualities. View your weaknesses as gifts to transform into the wholeness of your being. It’s pointless striving to become someone you’re not, which strips you of your authentic self. You are not attracted to others because of your virtues but your wholeness of character is what resonates with them.

AN unprescribed remedy is to dedicate your time and energy to help others, especially, people who are less fortunate. The benefit is that you invest less time to ponder your own faults and helping others improve the quality of their everyday existence instead of creating an image of being self-obsessed or self-centred. 

VULNERABILITY permits you to embrace your imperfections as you communicate the same intention to others. It shows your humanness, comparatively, that perfection is an non-gettable ambition if you wish to lead an authentic life. You should be aware of your weaknesses, yet  bring your greatest creation to life. It allows you to leave a footprint on the earth that is vibrant and memorable. 

Say "YES" to our imperfections, accept your mistakes and stop seeing them as an impairment. Captivate in them, while impacting the lives of others. In time, the hard work and labour of goodwill is rewarded openly, even though the acts were done with a motive to be helpful, gracious, and kind to someone unknown.

ACCEPT your true identity, don't overlook the wholeness of who you are. Honour your feelings, inflame your emotions, transform and reaffirm your wholeness.



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#selfworth #acceptance #confidence #courage 

#realization #dignity


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