
Showing posts from February, 2023

UNLEASHING TEMPERAMENT ~ a behavioural frame of mind…

  UNLEASHING TEMPERAMENT ~ a behavioural frame of mind … <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Many of us believe that once we reach a particular age, our personalities are fixed; yet, personality features continue to change throughout life.   Your surroundings and experiences form the basis of your personality, which then contributes to the development of other facets of your personality. In other words, you don't have a predetermined personality when you're born. People form when they see how others behave; this formation eventually results in adaptation and absorption, especially if it is rewarded.   Depending on their personality qualities and prior experiences, people have varying interpretations of the world. A person's individual adjustment to life is mostly controlled by a small number of preset characteristics, such as character, upbringing,...

BEYOND LOGICAL CONCLUSIONS ~ go for your dreams…

  BEYOND LOGICAL CONCLUSIONS ~ go for your dreams … ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To exert your willpower, a simple approach is just to persist, never giving up until you have achieved what you want. Persistence is very easy. When you fail, you either repeat what did not work in hope that it works next time, or you try something else. You can keep yourself going by reminding yourself of what is at stake. You can also consider the wasted effort if you did give up. Persistence can be used when you are seeking to do something by yourself or when you are trying to persuade somebody else. When clashing with others, the winner is often the person who lasts the longest. Success requires persistence, the ability to not give up in the face of failure. I believe that optimistic explanatory style is the key to persistence. We have a natural tendency to focus on problems over solutions. When people focus on problems, their problems actually grow and reproduce. In short, by focusin...

TRANSMUTING EXISTENCE ~ a gift toward enhancement…

  TRANSMUTING EXISTENCE ~ a gift toward enhancement … <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Ask a straightforward inquiry to get to know others around you:   Is it crucial to evolve and better oneself?   Enhancing strengths, enhancing mental health, and mending relationships are all benefits of self-improvement. Self-improvement involves attempting novel approaches to begin a process that calls for internal drive to identify the source of your desire for development.   Examine your identity and the rewards you hope to achieve through this adventure.   Change is necessary for personal growth and focusing. Change creates opportunities and experiences, signifies advancement, and records your path. Change enables us to advance in life and take part in novel and interesting experiences. Life might become stagnant if you don't actively focus on i...

THE IMPULSE ~ a mental shift..

  THE IMPULSE ~ a mental shift .. ====================================== Gaining momentum enables you to live in a more fruitful, useful, and effective environment. After helping you get past the first challenge of being unable to start, momentum carries you to the finish line. Gaining momentum will help you move forward toward your goals by encouraging positive thoughts and energy.   Look for new approaches to help you achieve your goals. The key to your success is momentum. You must gain momentum and overcome any extraneous forces that might be working against your goals.   Momentum is defined by more than just motion. Making a commitment is the first step in building momentum; this mindset shift has the power to change your life. Nothing will alter unless you decide to break from your routine. The hardest obstacle to overcome is finding the time and the motivation to focus on what you want. Consider finding more ways to do the things you enjoy doing instead of the thi...

SUSTAINED BY GRACE ~ a life of dignity

SUSTAINED BY GRACE ~ a life of dignity... °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° We should be grateful for everything that is given to us. I want you to understand that how we feel and deal with difficulties may have an effect on how we think.   You will surely experience a range of emotions and become demoralised if you continue to live in a state of anxiety. You'll likely experience a strong sense of remorse. But if you feel and are grateful, you will have a different experience of having a lot of compassion for others, giving you the chance to learn how to live in the moment and stop unnecessarily going through pain. A person needs to feel capable, deserving, and motivated. To do this, you must understand how to feel each and every one of the aforementioned factors. Although it could be difficult for some of you, it will ultimately provide you with a great deal of peace and joy. Never feel "power-starved" or "discarded" when you are faced w...

THE SEVENTH HEAVEN ~ a state of being happy..

THE SEVENTH HEAVEN ~ a state of being happy .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Is there a method for finding happiness? What do you think of when you think of happiness?   Happiness, however, is not a lost commodity or something to be found, rather, it is a feeling that may be triggered at any time through easy actions.   ✍The brain can be fooled into thinking you're happy just by smiling! ✍As long as you do something you adore every day, it doesn't have to be enormous. ✍Allow yourself to adapt as necessary until your body feels terrific, at which point your mood will improve. ✍A grateful heart is a joyful heart, therefore look for things to be thankful for. ✍ Getting back in touch with nature and spending time in green areas can help you feel better emotionally and reduce sadness. ✍It would be preferable to take a stroll around the greens than to do nothing. ✍Having relationships with others who share your interests will undoubte...