BEYOND LOGICAL CONCLUSIONS ~ go for your dreams…


go for your dreams


To exert your willpower, a simple approach is just to persist, never giving up until you have achieved what you want.

Persistence is very easy. When you fail, you either repeat what did not work in hope that it works next time, or you try something else. You can keep yourself going by reminding yourself of what is at stake. You can also consider the wasted effort if you did give up.

Persistence can be used when you are seeking to do something by yourself or when you are trying to persuade somebody else. When clashing with others, the winner is often the person who lasts the longest.

Success requires persistence, the ability to not give up in the face of failure. I believe that optimistic explanatory style is the key to persistence. We have a natural tendency to focus on problems over solutions. When people focus on problems, their problems actually grow and reproduce. In short, by focusing on the problem we make it bigger and bigger. 

Identifying the possibility of a solution is a vast improvement as it disrupts negative cycles of thought. To do this all we have to do is create a habit of asking the question when thinking about a problem. You can make use of willpower to shift into a solution-focused mindset within a time frame of the difficulty or your mistake. Having willpower can be a great incentive to push harder, strive for more & get up after the defeat or failure which helps you forge new paths to success. 

We all believe that all we need is willpower and persistence to achieve the apex of anything. I personally believe that is not the truth. In my opinion, you also need ABILITY, without which, willpower and persistence can only take you a short distance, unless you have the ability to do more. Not everyone can be brave, or smart, or talented to the levels they would like to be. 

WILLPOWER is the ability to control yourself, it's the strong determination that allows you to do something difficult and the capacity to override an unwanted thought, feeling, or impulse. Willpower is a skill that can be learned and improved, it can be surprisingly easy to learn, it is an emotion and you don't run out of emotions. It is the drive to resist short-term temptations to meet your long-term goals.

it can be strengthened over time, just like your muscles when you exercise. Focusing your willpower on accomplishing achievable goals, helps finding what works for you personally. Add it all up and the difference appears to lie not in the stamina of your willpower "muscle," but in your viewpoint. Willpower appears to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Shifting your perspective on willpower isn't easy, but you have to simply remind yourself that your willpower is affected by your mindset.

Your experience will help prove that you do have more in you than you think. Purposely push yourself past a self-imposed limit, that will reset not only your expectations regarding your limits, but move your willpower mindset towards the non-limited end of the scale. This will help you better deal with the times when life seems to keep coming at you, because you'll know you have it in you to stay the course. Mental stamina fuels itself that helps you feel stronger and more able to resist new temptations.


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#consistency #determination #action

#willingness #inspiration #impact


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