LOOKING back in the MIRROR ~ give yourself a priority in your life…

LOOKING back in the MIRROR ~

give yourself a priority in your life…

Your worth is based on your principles, character, and contributions to the world rather than what you own. Because you are raised in a society that continuously emphasises the value of your belongings, you may come to believe that your value is based on what you own rather than who you are. In actuality, it is who you are that defines your worth.

Although material goods can provide comfort, they do not define a person. Although it is wrong to place too much value on material belongings, it is in human nature to think that they are significant. When you witness others purchasing new items, you could feel pressured to follow suit. Social media has made it simpler to compare oneself to others, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy if you lack certain possessions. 

You may think that having material belongings will make you happy and fulfilled, but in reality, these things don't provide long-lasting contentment. You must keep your values in mind if you want to end this cycle. After that, you can begin to decide how to arrange your life in accordance with those decisions. What do you wish to stand for in life is what matters most to you? 

Rather than monetary investments, make memories that will last a lifetime. You're more likely to find long-lasting satisfaction through experiences than through financial stuff. Therefore, invest in experiences that you'll treasure forever and learn new things rather than wasting money on material possessions. Take a break from your daily schedule and acknowledge the blessings in your life, no matter how tiny. Let rid of the desire for more than is necessary and concentrate on what is actually important. 

Appreciate what you already have. both large and little. Today, begin to value yourself according to your actual worth.

Realising how important you are to yourself is the first step to realising your full potential and leading a more satisfying life. It is the conviction and acceptance of your own worth, merit, and potential, which is fundamental to the development of your lives and general well-being. It's crucial and can help you improve to have a positive feeling of self-worth. It is helpful for everyone around you as well as a kind deed towards oneself.

Begin to refocus your attention on the positive aspects of your life, release the need for perfection, and value your skills and personal contributions. The quickest approach to refocus your attention is by using your ideals. The more you value the things in your immediate environment, the easier it will be to value yourself.  Concentrate on your goals as dreams never go away—they just get put off.

If you have diverse viewpoints that influence your behaviour and personality, then you are unique. You possess something that brings you to life and gives your existence purpose; follow your heart. As you esteem yourself and your passions, encourage yourself that life will support you. Being a better person is possible when you put yourself first.

Be yourself and the proper people will love you; don't change to make other people like you.

#appreciate #impact #awareness

#presence #significance #acceptance


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