ASSERTIVENESS, an ABILITY a journey begins with the initial step..
a journey begins with the initial step..
In our day to day life we make dozens of little choices that either benefit us or diminish us. We even hesitate in making our views or desires known, allowing people to interfere in our lives to increase the feelings of stress and anxiety, eventually lessening your feelings of self-worth and playing to your insecurities.
Sometimes it might seem easier to go with the flow to avoid potential conflict, but the fact stands that learning to rise up for yourself and taking charge of your life, increases the power of positivity and the belief to reach your destination. Stand up to face any adverse situation, the stronger you feel, the stronger you will become.
At times, you might struggle to search for a solution, or it just seems to be another problem to deal with, along with a long string of problems. During these moments, you might not know that seemingly dark clouds hold a silver lining that would change your life forever.
There are certain things you can do to go with the flow, so that when the universe starts to create new movements and opportunities, you will be prepared to accept it. You need to do all that you can, right now to prepare for that future reality you are looking for. There are much bigger plans manifesting in your existence.
Practising mindfulness and being peaceful in the present moment, soothes your fears and anxieties, building up your trust. opening up to observing, learning and experiencing new things. It will actually enhance your ability to see numerous possibilities for your next new phase in life by doing the tasks which the universe speaks about.
It’s time to stop seeing yourself in a small way and tell yourself a new story that makes you stand out from others. Understand what has influenced you from the past, but don’t continue to hold on. You can shape your future your way, right now. Move beyond your current challenges, initiate forward movement up towards your highest visions.
Understand the dominant action and what motivates you to move forward, towards your goal. Do not pretend to be someone you’re not, recognize who you are at your core and honour it. Your authenticity helps you becoming a stronger version of yourself. You are in control of your own time.
Overcoming difficulty allows you to see yourself and your characteristics from a different angle. From this point on, being the strong, independent person you want to be will take time. Make the changes necessary to live a better, more independent, and liberated life. Allow it to be your second nature.
Standing up for yourself won’t happen overnight. It takes time to grow, but eventually, you will find the right balance.
12IV24 02:00
#identify #motivate #perceive
#confidence #assertiveness#trust
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