INTRICACIES of EXISTENCE~ a journey with unexpected twisted paths..


a journey with unexpected twisted paths..

Even the strongest among us, almost all of us experience

it. Every step of the journey feels like we're climbing a steep mountain barefooted, therefore we have to be extremely inventive in order to strive towards our accomplishments. Success doesn't happen overnight; in the beginning of our practical lives, things will be challenging but worthwhile.

It's time to reverse our viewpoints when it comes to expectations in life. We all unintentionally succumb to

the distant perspective, thinking that it's the result of our circumstances rather than ourselves. There will be days and times when we feel as though everything is pulling and pushing us in different directions.

You can adapt to the experiences in life by doing what is appropriate for you, paying attention to your emotions, and having faith in your gut feelings. It's normal to have thoughts of difficult times swirling around in your head because you're a human. Although there will always be difficulties in life, it is these times that give life its colour.

Accept the events and lessons, view them from a fresh angle, approach them with positivity, and put your own needs before honouring your wisdom. Move forward

with your new perspective and give yourself a time to create space inside of you so that you can hear the

answer that's best for you, even if it seems urgent and in your face.

To varied degrees of awareness, you commit the error. This erroneous belief causes a conflict between reality

and your illusions, which you must either accept or become enraged about. The comfortable life is a mirage, therefore avoid chasing these illusions. It's not that life shouldn't be challenging; rather, the issue is in expecting things to be simple.

The possibilities and difficulties that life presents to you decide the course and quality of your life. Staying away from life's challenges pulls you away from true fulfilment. Another option would be to try to steer clear of conflict and difficulties, but sadly, it isn't feasible.

Remember that life is not meant to be easy for you. You cause yourself great emotional agony by trying to make things simple. Your pursuit of ease sends you into a comfort trap, where you start to view comfort as a fix. Although paradoxical, it is true that you were not meant

to lead an easy life.

This is the point at which you may have to decide

whether to keep crashing into your delusion of an easy existence or face the challenges head-on and return to reality. Avoid deluding yourself into believing that life is simple, as this will leave you incredibly unhappy and prone to endless complaints.

Now might be the time to choose between continuing to fall back on your fantasy of an easy life and confronting the difficulties head-on in order to get back to the actual world. You will be really unhappy and likely to moan about things nonstop if you fool yourself into thinking

that life is easy.

But, it offers the chance to develop superior decision-making skills, let go of unfavourable feelings, gather wisdom, and increase self-awareness and confidence as you become older. It might be viewed as the pinnacle of your bad experiences, giving you the opportunity to acquire coping mechanisms for challenging circumstances.

It's common to have a lot of things in life to deal with,

most of which are irreversible and can have a profound effect on you. Everybody has personal assets and liabilities. Depending on what these words mean to you, life may get easier or harder. Every setback makes you stronger to handle the next, to develop and learn from

the challenges life presents.

Clarifying your beliefs, making adjustments to accommodate your new reality, and adopting a more open-minded attitude can all help you reclaim control of your life when it starts to feel overwhelming or out of control. Being at your best means accepting responsibility for your life, facing life's challenges head-on, learning to postpone gratification, embracing reality, letting go of illusions, and embracing reality.

Experiences that satisfy are frequently challenging.

Learn to overcome your obstacles by learning to endure the weight of what you're going through.

Realise the reality, go beyond it, and once that is acknowledged, the fact that life is challenging becomes irrelevant.

Give yourself permission to dwell in wisdom.

29VI24 01:45

#resources #experience #wisdom

#encompassing #impact #existence


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