TRANSFORMATIVE LIFE ~ finding a sense of meaning in life..
finding a sense of meaning in life..
Life means experiencing reality by interacting authentically with our environment and with others, giving something back to the world through creativity and self-expression. It's also regarding changing our attitude when faced with a situation or circumstance that we cannot control.
Difficulties in your life don’t come to destroy, but to help you realise your full potential. Changing your mindset is your greatest achievement in life. Ignorance is perhaps the greatest enemy of progress humanity has ever had. Nothing is too difficult to try and create your own little heaven right here.
Allow your talents to lead you to new opportunities, follow your internal compass when making decisions and be committed to something you’ve always wanted to do through trying new activities. Gather your pace to find a sense of meaning in your life.
One of the most difficult things to share with others is kindness. People who struggle, usually do so simply because they have not seen the things through the foresight lens. Trials are like a cleaning machine, they twist, turn and knock you around, but in the end you come out cleaner, brighter and better than before.
An overall vision for your life is based on the things that are most meaningful to you and your purpose of life. It's often a central goal or set of goals that include the guide to decision-making that provides the right direction. Your life purpose is your contribution, however, true purpose is about recognizing your own gifts and using them to contribute to the society.
Maturity is the art of living at peace with that which we cannot change. Beauty isn't about having a pretty face, but about having a beautiful mind, a beautiful heart, and most importantly, a beautiful soul. Your destiny is not something to be discovered. It is already there with you.
Sometimes you have to stand alone to prove that you can still stand up, regardless of how tall you think you’ve grown. At times, one works hard and gets nothing while another does nothing and gets everything. Being grateful for the little things you have is more important in life than being miserable about the many things you don’t have.
Finding a sense of meaning makes you examine your own life and how it feels for you at the moment, but there’s more to it than being happy and carefree. Purpose helps you to be interactive with all that the world offers. To live a meaningful life, you need to understand yourself first as a complete person, which can lead to accomplishment.
Hustle until you no longer need to introduce yourself. Today it hurts, but tomorrow it might work. If you spend all your life trying to seek other people’s approval, then you will give other people the power to control you for the rest of your life. Happiness doesn’t mean that everything is perfect, but that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.
The light at the end of the tunnel might seem to be an oncoming speed train, but the truth is, it gives you the opportunity to truly entrust yourself. Sometimes you tend to be in despair, but with greater self-awareness, you can establish your strengths and play to them. Keeping this mentality will benefit many areas of your life.
Getting comfortable with your core values and beliefs, you’ll stay true to yourself and seek life satisfaction. If your values and beliefs don’t align, you’re more likely to feel disconnected and lost. Remember, you aren’t trying to find someone else’s meaning, but to find what enriches your own personal life.
The meaning of life isn’t going to come to you overnight. Expect to experience, be patient and kind to yourself along the way.
#opportunities #mindset #directions
#journey #experience #purpose
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