FOCUS on your own OWN STRENGTH ~ direct comparisons are more often inaccurate..

FOCUS on your own OWN STRENGTH ~

direct comparisons are more often inaccurate.. 

Most people are so preoccupied with themselves, only that they don’t have time to care for  anyone else. Learning through experiences, in my opinion, there’s nothing as self-improvement that can make up for a lack of self-acceptance,  or in fact, it may be defined as an individual’s acceptance of all of their attributes (very important), positive or negative.

Much of your life and your work is mainly focused on self-improvement and there’s  nothing wrong with you wanting to improve yourself to feel good about yourself. 

The question arises, does it actually work or it doesn’t work this way?

It's tricky, the idea that improving yourself will make you feel better about yourself is based on if self-improvement can enhance your well-being and satisfaction in your existence. 

Self-improvement and self-acceptance are both vital in a balanced life, but the latter promotes inner peace while the former fuels progress. It’s important to find a harmonious balance between the two to lead to genuine self-empowerment. This balance can be tricky in today’s world to compare yourself to others. 

Believe me, every individual lives in a culture that is obsessed with self-improvement. The incongruity of self-improvement is that by accepting yourself as you are giving yourself the space and opportunity to create an authentic sense of success & fulfillment. 

Is it possible to grant yourself permission to accept yourself fully and that too right now?

Yes, there are various things, a simple concept,  in life that’s easier said than done. It's as if  you are erroneously thinking that by accepting yourself, you may somehow be giving up.  Acceptance is not that sort of a thing, but the realization of embracing your true self, your current circumstances and imperfections.

Years of edginess and self-doubt teaches you a lot of  fascinating things. Your behavior reflects how you think and feel about yourself, but it’s a two-way loop, meaning that small actions make a massive difference in how mentally strong  you become as you age. Mental strength helps you resist getting derailed by negative thoughts, recover and improve your overall well-being.

There are a few habits that can be of help, yes, how you think is a habit directly linked between how seriously you take your critical thoughts about yourself and your sense of self-respect. Mindfulness helps effectively letting go of negative thoughts without judgment,  enabling you to detach from them, decreasing the activity associated with negative self-evaluation and gradually replacing them with more positive ones.

Trusting your gut instincts, work wonders, the quiet voice guiding us beneath all, showing you each step of the way. Actively reflecting on past experiences and trusting your initial gut  feelings, thrusts the power to interpret the decisions based on subtle cues. Short-term pleasures will leave you drained and depressed. 

In conclusion, when you rush through things hastily, I'd say,  you’re unwittingly confirming your doubts about yourself. So it's better to slow down, acknowledging something of yourself  that is entirely comfortable and ease with the chaos of uncertainty of life. Overcome the fear  of hardships or losing out on life.

In fact, the opposite happens. Slow down, and watch yourself ultimately impact your overall well-being.

You are secure in who you are, you need not any validation, give yourself that approval.

#willingness #acceptance #aspirations 

#opportunities #balance #transformation


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