TURN your EAR to the POSITIVES ~ be an ultimate authority for your own validation..

TURN your EAR to the POSITIVES ~

be an ultimate authority for your own validation..

Validating yourself is the process of understanding, accepting your thoughts without justification, your feelings without judgment, acknowledging your strengths, progress and efforts. It encourages you to calm down, feel more resilient and increase the ability to  manage your emotions. 

How do you stop the need or the wanting of constant validation from other people? 

Turn inwards, accept your flaws and mistakes, strengthen that love for meaningful activities, create a timeline, develop a stronger identity of being open to check the facts and being okay with if being wrong. The key component of mental health is of course self validation. 

Why not find that validation /confirmation from within yourself?

Self-validation is a skill, with practice, it will become your second-nature, but won't be easy at first, yet it'll help you build tolerance against external validation. Recall, you are the most important person in your life and that’s how it should be. However, decisions based on what’s best for you, rather than what’s expected, validates you.

Loving yourself is validating yourself and it boosts your capacity to love others. Mistakes make you realise that they are the stepping stones for your future success. It's better to overcome the need for others' approval and this the time you'll recognize that you are validating yourself and also internalizing it.

Remind yourself to listen to an affirmation or sometimes acknowledging your favorite characteristic, it's like brainwashing yourself to love yourself. Realize that most people don't really care for you as much as you might think they do, but it's liberating. It's not about others for you or/and it's not about you for others.

Why do you want to try to control what others think of you? 

You might attempt to observe how others perceive you to get their approval or wanting others to believe that you possess the characteristics such as intelligence and perfection to interpret that their approval as a proof of validation. My advice would be to observe from the inside looking out, you are your voice from within, utilise it, live every moment alive, validating who you are and what you were born to become. 

How to let go of others' approval & find your authentic self?

When someone questions your credibility and it doesn’t cause any self doubt, it is a good validation of self, recognizing how it should be and you are the most important person in your life, taking decisions based on what’s best for you is validating rather than what’s expected. 

Why would you need validation ? 

What does it even mean?

Understanding the basics, your mind constructs both its interpretation of the world, who other people are, including what you think defines a person, usually that world-view as a sort of mirror, trying to imagine what you are relative to others so that you can see yourself indirectly based on those reflections. In this way, you  might think of getting an objective view of yourself. 

Notice one thing that this is all in your mind. Both the mirror and your reflection are exercises in imagination by your own mind, and you don’t actually have any direct access to either objective reality or how others observe you. In the first place, how do you justify others' view of you as an authoritative truth? It’s quite likely that their interest is in how they can use you to reflect them, not you. 

Its your mind trying to define you, wanting you to rise up in the comparative competition pyramid relative to others, focused on define the ego and make it valued, so that you’ll be respected or at least tolerated by others.

Construct a concept of self, fill up the void of not really knowing who you are. The solution to this mess is to find your true self, breaking the series of moments and starting to see that you actually have choices about what things mean in your world. 

Understanding and appreciating your authority as a meaning-maker, leads to overcoming the need for other people’s approval.

Be free to be the best of you, yourself. 

#assertiveness #commitment #credibility

#significance #salvation #respect


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