CONSCIOUS DECISION ~ it’s the only home we have…
it’s the only home we have…
In favour of an abundant future for all people, places and planet, we should envision a planet where there is no conflict between our economic needs and the systems of life where we can achieve pollution control, public health and thriving biodiversity by adopting green infrastructure, all while increasing material value in the area. Parks, greenways and trails, street trees and conservation areas are all factors of protecting green spaces.
Going green refers to all aspects of environment friendly products to the movement as a whole. Practising eco-friendly means or activity that doesn't harm the environment. Sustainability is that what we do today doesn't deplete resources for the future, particularly our future generation appear to benefit from green space.
Lessening the environmental impacts by reducing waste, expanding recycling, lowering emissions, increasing housing density while expanding open space, and encouraging the development of sustainable local activities will benefit humankind.
Green spaces in and around cummunities, collectively known as urban forests, can mitigate regional and local flooding from storms, reduce water scarcity, improve air and water quality, regulate temperature, and aid soil nutrient cycling, all while sequestering carbon. Local bodies can institute green initiatives like maintaining, improving parks and other green spaces.
It is more important than ever to adopt a green lifestyle. These small changes can help reduce the pollution that threatens our health and our environment, while also protecting our natural resources. Going green helps the environment by reducing the amount of pollution that enters the soil, water and air. By using alternative energy sources and avoiding the burning of fossil fuels. By recycling and reducing waste more efficiently, lesser pollutants are released into the environment.
Support the generation of development opportunities through inclusive education and decent work. Foster innovation and resilient infrastructure, creating communities and cities able to produce and consume sustainably. Making sure that all people have access to parks and outdoor programming is a critical way to increase these positive effects on health and quality of life for our community.
We could significantly boost the value of our community by making it eco-friendly, saving on energy costs, our water bills etc.
Clean and Green Environment helps improves air quality & slowdown climate change. Unortunately, it has never been easier to live a sustainable lifestyle.
Lets partner with environmentalists and similar organisations, educate our future generation on the importance of environmental sustainability and empower them to become “eco-warriors” within our community to make a significant positive impact on the environment, living beings, the assets of this elegant planet and to keep us within planetary boundaries.
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#greenrevolution #justgogreen
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