The POWER of THOUGHTS ~ today’s actions impact tomorrow..


today’s actions impact tomorrow..

Some people have an easy life while others have a

difficult one, and this is usually a result of the things they did in the past. We must act morally right now if we hope to have a successful future. We shall suffer tomorrow if

we don't.

Perfect results are the outcome of pure actions. Careless deeds in the past have resulted in the grief of prārabdha (consequences of past actions) that we suffer now. For some people, their past acts are the reason why life is

easy while it is hard for others.

The excellent deeds of yesterday have led to our growth today. We must act morally righteously now if we hope to have a happy tomorrow. Rather than believing otherwise, we ought to see it as our responsibility to assist people who are in need.

Our expectations are frequently not satisfied, and occasionally unexpected things happen. This is so

because, in addition to our own effort, a number of other circumstances affect the outcomes of our actions. We should focus on doing the tasks to the best of our abilities and not worry about the outcome.

It is important that you have the proper mindset in order to take action and reap the benefits of it. You don't need a scientist to explain the process—all of this is rather apparent. Apply the idea of increasing awareness with

one clear distinction whenever you make a decision

about a course of action.

Acknowledge your awakening in that mental space and support and motivate your next move. Your free will continues to influence the events that transpire. You must understand the kind of thinking that will best suit your image and make you an asset to your journey rather than a liability.

When it comes to the life path, being clear about your intentions is vitally important. It's similar to making a request but secretly wanting something else, which could lead to conflict. You always get to choose what role and which character you play in your life, which is a stage on which all of your options are played out.

Thoughts have the power to both encourage good behaviour and impose restrictions on it when it is not desired. Thoughts can bring about substantial changes. If your intentions are stated as implementations, you have the best chance of achieving your objectives.

Self-talk is necessary for exercising self-control and making wise decisions. People are motivated by their thoughts, and certain behaviours facilitate the generation of positive thoughts. Thought chains frequently interact with your conduct as well.

Thoughts can quickly turn into beliefs, which can have a positive or negative emotional impact on you and reveal your perspective, experiences, and relationship to a situation. Thoughts lead to actions, which convince you that this is the right choice for you at that specific


Each person's response makes up the life they create,

just as every journey is composed of several single steps. Thinking about the influence of your thoughts has a profound effect on your entire existence, influencing

your feelings, opinions, and perceptions. This procedure raises consciousness and establishes the ideas needed to start a change.

Thoughts may appear to be invisible, but they are

actually all around you, continuously influencing the universe and materialising into reality. It's crucial to be in charge of your thoughts because, trust me, they have a

big impact on how your life and reality turn out. Nearly everything in this world that is created by humans began as a single idea at some point.

Even though you don't know what the future contains,

you can still shape it with your thoughts. The sequence of events is thought, words, deeds, and values that

ultimately determine your fate. You have come to this point through all of your thoughts.

Recognise the influence of your ideas, concentrate on thinking positively, and watch as your life changes before your very eyes. It creates the space for better things to enter your life.

Bring your ideal existence to pass. 

You already own the magic.

#nourish #mindset #actions #values 

#intangible #manifest #reality #destiny


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